AGM Review 2022
The AGM was held on Friday 9th December at 6.00pm. It was the first time that we were able together for about 3 years, so it was amazing to see everyone who could attend.
The AGM was led brilliantly by Matt Jones, supported by other participant trustees. Jack Butler read a poem he had written and About Face performed a beautiful piece. Other projects had stalls or sent in videos showing what they do. It finished with a disco provided by Steph Hooper. What a night!
This year we had three Trustees standing down, Bev Davies, Jason Stuchbery and Blaise White but all agreed to stand again and were voted in.
We also had a new Trustee recommended by the board, Jeremy Gray. Jeremy has been attending meetings and learning about ECHO. He has a lot of experience in the health sector. He thinks what we do is great and wants to help us grow. Jeremy was also voted in.
Here are all the important documents at the AGM.