Legacy and In memoriam

Pass on something wonderful!
Remembering us in your will is your chance to leave the world a better place for people with learning and other disabilities in Herefordshire.
ECHO believes everyone living with a learning or other disability should have the opportunity to be an active member of our community. One of the most profound ways you can support ECHO long into the future is to leave them a gift in your will. Any gift, however big or small, will make a huge difference.
Family and friends always come first. But, after you’ve provided for them, consider leaving a gift in your will to ECHO. This is particularly important if you have children or have a loved one with special needs.
If you would like to leave a gift to us, we advise you to speak to your solicitor in the first instance. You will need to give them the following information:
Name of Charity: ECHO Herefordshire
Registered address: 40 West Street , Leominster, HR6 8ES
Charity Registration Number: 1096449
Compared to most charities ECHO receives very little in legacy gifts. Those who do leave us gifts are very special to us. A gift of any size in your will can make a real difference today and into the future. You can trust us to use your money very carefully. Please remember even a small amount will be hugely appreciated and valued.
Someone who remembered us in her will was Janet Smart
Janet was a model and actor in her working life, and, after she retired, she became first interested and then passionate about ECHO’s small professional theatre called About Face for adults with learning disabilities.

Janet loved everything the Charity did, so when she became ill, she was determined to pass on a gift to enable them to keep its vital services going now and in the future.
Mike Cook, Chief Officer of the Charity, says “We are so grateful to Janet for her large and generous gift. For small charities having a legacy bequeathed to them is a game changer. In the short run, it can relieve pressure and allow a charity to focus on developing services. In the long run it can help them to plan sustainably and develop services both now and in the future. We are currently thinking about how we can acknowledge and best remember Janet”.
Why our participants love ECHO so much.

For people like Helen, ECHO is a lifeline. She attends our Studio Mirai project twice a week, where participants upcycle furniture for sale to the public.
She’s not afraid of hard work and loves sanding, gluing, nailing, painting, and stencilling – so much that she has earned the nickname of “Hurricane Helen”. She also loves tidying up, looking after plants, and she adores being part of a friendly supportive group.

ECHO is a member of Remember a Charity which promotes legacy giving to charities. They have a wealth of experience and if you visit their website it should answer any further questions you may have, go to
If you would like any further information about leaving a gift in your will to ECHO ring our office on 01568 620307 or email penny.weir@echoherefordshire.co.uk
In Memoriam Donations
Many families and friends choose to make funeral donations in memory of a loved one. This can be a powerful and wonderful way to celebrate and honour them.
You might choose to do this at their funeral or celebration of life by asking for donations instead of flowers. We can provide Gift Aid envelopes or you can set up a Remembrance page for your loved one. Just go to the front page of our website, click on the donate button, sign up and instructions are there for your to set up your page. If you would like help to set this up email penny.weir@echoherefordshire.org.uk or ring the office on 01568 620307.