What ECHO has to offer
ECHO is the largest service provider in Herefordshire for adults with disabilities.
For more than 30 years we have helped people make friends, learn new skills, enjoy leisure opportunities, volunteer for local organisations and be a valued part of their community.
We have some 30 projects which fall into three main areas
Day opportunities
Leisure and social activities
Supported Volunteers
Day opportunities – here is a quick list of what we offer (click on a blue link for more information)
About Face Theatre Company – Herefordshire’s professional theatre company for adults with learning disabilities based in Church Street, Leominster. See more of what they do on the Facebook page.
Clever Betsy – arts & crafts based activity in Leominster. See their Facebook page for what they get up to.
Saxon Hall Community Cafe – partnership with Saxon Hall, Putson, Hereford.
Eaton Barn Community Garden – our horticulture project at Stoke Prior just outside Leominster. They also have a Facebook page.
ECHO Weavers – Learn a variety of weaving skills and make high quality items to sell in the ECHO shop and at events
Rose Tinted Rags – art, craft and a retail shop based at the Country Bus Station, Hereford. Partnership working with Green Eyed Monster Company. Click for their Facebook page.
Storytelling – everyone has a story inside them. This activity uses stories to explore the world! A story is more than words in a book and we sing, dance, act and talk about the topics we are learning about. Based at the Forbury, Leominster.
Studio Mirai – furniture upcycling at Bridge Street, Leominster. They have a retail outlet at The Retro Station and a Facebook page as well.
The Priory Centre, Leominster – ideal for those with higher support needs. See more of what they do on their own Facebook page, including details of their popular market stalls selling preserves and crafts created at the centre.
Wednesday or Friday Lifelinks – based in Hereford, provide voluntary community support, enjoy activities and eating together. They are active fundraisers, hosting coffee mornings and market stalls to raise money for their project and ECHO.
Radio ECHO
Come and learn the skills needed to run and put together a real radio broadcast- then do it for real!
Leisure and Social
Leisure and Social activities – We run a series of activities that people can book by the session. These include sports, such as football, badminton and walking; as well as social activities like Club nights and quizzes
Joining an activity or service
If you would like to know more about joining an ECHO activity or service please call the ECHO office on 01568 620307.
Or you can email our Referral Co-ordinator,
Taster sessions and project visits can be arranged.
The vacancies we currently have available vary at each project and activity. Please contact our referral co-ordinator for the latest list of vacancies.