Dear ECHO Community,

We are pleased to share with you the surveys about music services in ECHO. We apologise that we didn’t get this out earlier on in the year, when we should have.

When filling out the form, please think about the kind of experiences you would like in the future, as well as, thinking about existing activities.  The feedback will be used to help us to shape the services we run. The online questionnaire will run until the 16th July, but we will extend the deadline for Easy Read versions until the end of the month.

The online form can be accessed here:

Yam Jams / Music Service Survey

An easy read version is available

Or email us at

Or pop into the office at 40 West Street to collect a copy

What’s next?

Results of the survey and other feedback will be used to inform our decision on what music services to put on. Going through the feedback may take a little time, so we will keep you informed of what is happening.

Many thanks


EDIT – the survey has ended and we are thrilled so many of you took the time to respond. We heard from a wide variety of Carers and Participants which will help us shape the future of the music services on offer.

Thank you for your patience while we read through the replies. There will be an announcement as soon as we have decided what is the best way forward.